Settlement Agents For The Lenders
When filling out a Discharge Authority (DA), remember the following:​
- Broker/Fidelis Financial listed?
- Is the application a refinance with a name change? A conveyancer or solicitor must be included!
- The settlement agent representing the incoming lender must also be listed in the DA.
CBA - Commonwealth Bank handles settlements in-house.
NAB - NAB handles settlements in-house.
Macquarie - MSA National
Bank SA - Bank SA normally handles settlements in-house for application with 15 digit numbers
- FMS may handle settlements for Bank SA/St George applications. Reference is an alphanumeric "ATOMS" number starting with "SA#######"
Westpac - Westpac
Suncorp - FMS handles settlements for Suncorp.
ANZ - Dye and Durham handles settlements for ANZ.
Bankwest - Bankwest handles settlements in-house.
ING - Dentons handles settlements for ING.
Resimac - MSA National handles settlements for Resimac.
La Trobe - MSA National
JHK Legal Australia: Level 9 66 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000 - Phone: 02 8239 9600
Firstmac - Live Lawyer
Better Choice - Galilee Solicitors (Check upon approval as there could be multiple agents)
ME Bank - Galilee Solicitors handles settlements for ME Bank.
Pepper Money - Galilee Solicitors handles settlements for Pepper Money.
People's Choice Credit Union -
Bluestone - FMS handles settlements for bluestone
Bank of Queensland -
Homestart Finance -
Better Mortgage Management -
Firefighters Mutual Bank -